Earn money by writing articles – Today is the time of the Internet, and in this Internet era, you can take the opportunity to earn money online besides watching online videos, chat on social media or doing other unnecessary things. Hey, this is definitely true and thousands of people are making money from $500 to $1000 a month at home and abroad through the internet. And, in some cases, people are earning a lot more money than that.

The impact or demand for digital marketing has increased so much that its consumption and profits are high. We can say that writing and publishing articles through the Internet is a part of digital marketing. And, if you know how to write English well and if you have good knowledge of article writing, then you can make thousands of bucks a month at home by using this article writing method.

So, let’s not talk too much. Let’s see how to earn money by writing articles online. 

  • What is Article Writing?
  • What we need to have to be an expert article writer.
  • How to write an article?
  • What are the ways of earning money by writing articles online?
  • Tips for becoming a freelance writer

I request you to read this article entirety so that you can understand everything better. Let’s get to know them all one by one.

What is Article Writing?

Article Writing is generally a piece of writing, that we have to write within a minimum of 500 words. And, we write an article about a particular topic or subject. But you need to have good knowledge of that particular topic. And make sure you can give people a lot of information through that article.

Previously, articles were generally written or published in newspapers and books or magazines. However, in today’s era, you can publish articles online through blogs, forums, websites or through digital marketing. Now, the times have changed and all is digital.

What we need to have to be an expert article writer:

  • Computer: To start article writing you need to have a computer. You can write an article on your mobile. But if you want to be a professional article writer then you must have a computer.
  • Internet Connection: You need to have an internet connection with good speed.
  • Email Address: You need to have a professional email address in order to contact or share an article with the client.
  • Word processing software: You need to have word processing software like Microsoft Word. It’s better to work with online word processing software like Evernote or google docs because if anything went wrong you can get back anytime.
  • Personal blog/Portfolio site: All professional content/article writers must have a personal blog or portfolio site so that buyers can get some ideas about your writings.
  • A Paypal/Payoneer Account: You will use these accounts to get paid.
  • A desire To Write: The main thing you need is the mind set up to become a freelance writer.

How to write an article?

Whether you are writing an article on a blog or a magazine, there are some general rules for writing an article that if you do not follow it, your content will make people bored. So if you want to be a successful content writer then follow these rules.

It is not in my hands to teach you how to write an article or how well you publish an article through this post It all depends on the knowledge and experience you have on any topic or subject. The more you have the knowledge and experience, the better you will be able to write an article on a topic in detail. Only then people will be interested in your article. So, always remember “Before writing an article, know everything in detail about that topic, I would like to tell you about some general rules of article writing that you can use to make your content very interesting and easily explain it to people.

How to write an article online – Best tools/ways for article writers:

How to Write an Attractive Article? (5 tips)

If you want to see yourself as a successful content writer or want to earn money by writing articles, there are some common content writing rules to follow. These are the basic rules and the use of these rules is very important if you want to write an interesting, user-friendly, efficient and perfect article. So what are the rules for writing an article?

  1. Clear, interesting and short titles need to be applied. Visitors will be interested in reading your article immediately after reading the title. And, by writing shorter titles, your article content will become clear.
  2. Remember, you have to write small paragraphs. This is one of the most effective rules for writing clear, and user-friendly content. If you see some professional blog site you will find every time they write an article, they make small paragraphs of 5 to 8 lines.
  3. Make sure you use the heading. It is very important to use all headings such as H1, H2, H3, and H4
  4. Write an article between a minimum of 500 to 1500 words. Yes if you have enough time you can write more than 1500 words but minimum words should be less than 500. The more words you use to write your own content or writing on a topic, people will find that more useful. And, your reader comes to read your writing or content only if they find it useful.
  5. Must use pictures. Yes, good and interesting writing can’t be made without pictures. You can use your own topic or article-related pictures in the article. This way, the article will be more interesting and look good.

So guys, if you write an article using the rules I mentioned above, it will surely become completely interesting and clear, and with that, people will be interested in your writing. I use these rules to write content on my blog.

How to earn money by writing articles?

In my title I told you can earn between $100 to $500 per month by writing articles online, Trust me this is just a minimum number of earnings. People are making more money every month through online content writing. But, it depends on your writing skills, abilities, and performance. Content writing is a great business if you can take it.


Write articles on your blog:

earn money by writing articles online

When it comes to article writing, I will choose blogging as the best medium. Creating a blog allows you to write your own articles. You can write exactly what you like. For example, if you do not know English then you can earn income by writing in another language. And, if you want to create a blog yourself and then write an article, then you can earn money by displaying Google Adsense ads on the blog or affiliate marketing. This is a simple profitable means by which you can earn regular money. Thousands of people from all over the country are earning millions by making this article through blogging.

If you write good quality articles regularly, you can start earning around $100 to $200 in just 5 to 6 months. And, then, depending on your work, these income numbers will gradually increase. However, the number of income will depend entirely on your work and the quality of the content.

Earn money by writing articles online on guest posting site:

Paid guest posting is a service where you can earn money by writing articles through guest posting on other blogs. Today, there are many blogs or website owners who do not get time to write an article for their blog. And, so they get other people interested in writing articles on their blogs through paid guest posting. They will give you some money to write that article. But, you have to write original, good and related content with their blog. Only then, they will pay you for that writing.

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Freelancing platforms:

You can signup on different freelancing platforms like Fiverr, Upwork Peopleperhour etc buyer will hire you to write articles for their blog. 

Here are some tips for becoming a freelance writer:

  • First of all, you need to be proficient in English, if you do not have good skills in English, you cannot be a freelance writer.
  • First, write on simple topics, then challenge yourself to write difficult topics, it will increase your skills and confidence. 
  • While writing, pay special attention to grammar, Sometimes it may not be possible for you to catch your own mistakes, so there are various grammar checker tools, you can check grammar with them.
  • Every day you should learn a minimum of 10 new words from the dictionary, it will increase your vocabulary.
  • Read the books of good quality writers and good bloggers regularly, it will increase knowledge on various topics.
  • If you want to take freelance writing as a part-time job, do not work on large projects. There is a risk of not completing work on time, because if you fail to deliver work on time then the client can ruin your profile by giving bad reviews. So before applying for a job think and plan.
  • If you take it as a full-time job, then you can make a team,  it will help you to complete your large project in time.
  • Never think that you will copy and paste the article and clients will pay for it. If copy paste articles were needed by them, they would have done by themselves.
  • If the Client wants the article to be unique, never write it with any software or translator to make, because it includes writing errors, acoustic errors. 
  • If you get a project to rewrite an article, do it manually, do not use any software or translator, if you do, then the probability of getting money is 1.5%. I hope you understand that.
  • Before applying, give a good quality Unique sample of the article that you have applied for, never share other website links as a sample. But if you have your own portfolio site then you can share that link. All Professional Article Writers should have a portfolio site.
  • Never despise yourself, no matter how good your competitors are, always think of yourself as their counterpart. Because once they were like you, they have slowly improved.
  • Be generous in your writing, if you can deliver good quality writing you can get more work from the same client.
  • Don’t neglect your project, proof-read your work before it’s due, or correct the mistake of writing with grammar checker and spell checker.
  • Many times you may have to write difficult topics, then you should do some research on it, you can never write well if you have no idea what to write about. So visit and read the various forums and blogs on the topic you write about, it will clear your idea.
  • Never express yourself in writing. For example, suppose you get a project that says you have to write about Michael Jackson, but you don’t like Michael Jackson, and so if you write your own point of view that I don’t like him, he does this, he does that, then your project will not be accepted, so do not be biased when writing.
  • Before start writing, you should draft and read it.

Our last word
In this article I have explained, what is an article, how to write an article and some good ways to earn money by writing articles online and at home. If you like this article, please share it with your friends. Thank you.