Web page to pdf:

Sometimes when we browse web pages or read online articles, we need to save that article for future requirements. For that, you can bookmark that page. But it’s not the best way, Because if something wrong with that website you may lose your article. That’s why you can make a pdf version of that web page/article. Now the question is;

How to convert any web page to pdf format?

To make any webpage as pdf format you can do that several ways like; by pressing control + P button you can save that web page as a pdf file. But if you do that you will find your pdf file with lots of ads, blank space or unnecessary things that you may not want to include in your file. 

There is another way like you can simply copy all those content and paste it into Microsoft Word or Google docs then manually you can delete/remove all those ads, blank space or unnecessary things. But that way requires a huge time and its kind of boring job. 

So what’s the best way to convert any web page to pdf format?

Don’t worry I am here to help you. Today in this article I will show you the best way to convert any article to pdf file without having unnecessary things. So, let’s get started.

Best tools/website to convert a web page to pdf file:

Printfriendly.com is a website that allows you to convert any web page to pdf file within a few seconds. Don’t worry this site is free so you don’t have to pay for using that site. 

Web page to pdf
Web page to PDF

Let’s see some useful features of that website;

  • Superfast website
  • Totally free
  • Click and remove any part
  • Undo button
  • You can change the font size
  • You can change paper size
  • You can download in HQ format
  • No limitations you can use as many times as you want.

How to use printfriendly.com?

Just copy your webpage URL/address and paste it to printfriendly.com. Now click on preview. Within a few seconds, you will see a nice and clean version of that webpage. Now if you don’t want any part of that content just click and remove that part, don’t worry if you accidentally removed any part you can get back by clicking undo button. 

for better understanding you can see my video below:

You can change font size, paragraph size, and line space. while downloading you can change page size to A4 or letter size.  The main thing is there are no limitations for using that site you can use that site as many times as you want.

5 simple ways to write articles online without any skills